Thursday, May 11, 2017

Blog Assignment 8: The Concern Over the Transgender Bathroom Law

Let me start off by saying that I am not opposed to any couple that chooses to love someone from a different sex, ethnicity, or age group. People should be free to live their lives as best they can and deserve the right to have their privacy respected. But please keep your personal lives to yourselves like everybody else does. I don’t mean to be insensitive but when do your rights interfere with mine? My colleague wrote a blog post on why he supported the bathroom bill, but I found that the cons outweigh the pros in this situation. President Obama passed a federal law, known as Title IX, that allows individuals to use the facilities of the gender that they identify with. So, a male could walk into any women’s restroom and no one could object on the chance that this could be a transgender person. I don’t want to go to the store and see a man walk into the women’s bathroom when I’m there with my daughters, not only will this confuse them, but it worries me. My concern isn’t of a transgender person attacking my daughters but of others who would take advantage of this law. There have been several cases of men walking into women’s bathrooms and taking pictures of young girls, and no one says anything unless they notice this because men technically have a right to be in there.  I also do not think that every American should have to go out of their way to cater to a group of Americans that makes up about 0.3% of the nation. Which is why I think that President Trump did the right thing in rescinding Obama’s bathroom law.