When you turn on the daily news, it is very probable that you will hear a report or update on the issue of transgender bathrooms in the United States. This debate has only recently gained attention as a result of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community demanding equal marital rights. On February 24, 2017 Media Matters released an interview by CNN on their blog about Gavin Grimm explaining "Why 'States Rights' Argument Against Trans-inclusive Nondiscrimination Protections Hurt Students Like Him" and why he brought forth his lawsuit to the Supreme Court.
Let me start by saying, I do not hate anyone for their sexual orientation nor do I believe that they should ever have to hide who they are. But people are going overboard by pandering to 0.6 percent of the population. Mr.Grimm argues that transgenders should have restrooms offered for them anywhere that male and female restrooms are. Due to his personal experience at school, where he was banned from using the men's restroom because it made another student uncomfortable, he says that a unisex restroom that he was allowed to use was not good enough. I'm sorry, but I think that you getting your own restroom is fair to me. He is most likely the only person who would use that facility in the whole school. What's next? People who identify as animals and not humans (Otherkin) and therefor insist on their own bathroom as well? I just think that these people feel entirely too entitled, and there are far greater problems that need to be addressed first.
This blog is explicitly written for Democrats seeing as how the website receives millions of dollars in donations from the Democracy Alliance and a majority of their staff has at one point worked for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
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